Into the Future
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One of the blogs I follow is that of Donna Iona Drozda.
http://donnaionadrozda.com/ABOUT.html She is a wonderful artist who has come through adversity and risen above it. I was quite taken by a recent post on her blog Following the Moon,
http://donnaionadrozda.com/blog/. It was about November being a time of introspection. I have always liked the idea of the cycle of things but the past few years I seem to have lost the habit of reflection. The idea of things dying away in the fall, the possible new incubating in the dark of winter like a baby in the womb, then awakening and growing in the spring is wonderful. Her post has revived my commitment to introspection, to thinking what it is that I want to leave behind as 2010 comes to and end and what it is that I want to nurture and grow over the winter months ready to burst out and bloom in summer 2011. "An unexamined life is not worth living" said Socrates so I better get to it!
Thanks for sharing this, Susanne. I'm going to try to follow Donna's and your lead too.
Hi Susanne
Thank you so much for sharing a link to Following the Moon... it's lovely to slow the pace and allow 'Luna See' to show a quieter way to live our Art/Life.
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