Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Art with a Musical Theme
"Musical Collagraph in Blue"

I have been working on a musical collagraph made up of four plates. You may have seen two previous posts with photos and info about the process. In the first post I show the plates in the very beginning stage. The second post shows the plates when they are finished and sealed. I have now made one proof of two of the plates together and will try out a test proof of all four together this week. After all the time involved in making the plates it is interesting to see how they look when I print them. It's not always a happy moment. Sometimes it's very dissapointing. These look ok but I need to improve the way I have printed it. It's printed up in blue hence the name "Musical Collagraph in Blue."

I seem to be hooked on a musical theme at present in my paintings and art work. Every now and then I have fun doing some more abstract pieces and I am working up to a series featuring figures.

Last months winner of a free print is awindchimer. I will be emailing you to get your address so I can send it to you.

If you would like to be in for the chance to win something sign up for email updates to my blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi Susanne,
Unless you have 2 "awindchimer"s subscribing to your blog I must be the winner! I am thrilled as I love your creations. Thank you,
awindchimer (Eva)

Eva said...

Hi Susanne,
I'm so excited and pleased with the beautiful Kimono Collagraph Print ! I can't wait to frame it and hang it. Not only because I love it, but it also reminds me I'm a winner! Thank Thank you

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